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Dase • 1 year ago

If you enjoyed this week and last week's episode's subtitles or you want to watch better subs you can pop over to their YT channel, just search for Neutralizinq or you can go to their discord channel to get updates on when they release new episodes. Just ignore their Counter-Strike videos lol They have also done the translation for the Opening and Ending OST for the 3 episodes special Origin as well as the Ending OST for season 5

In another news, Magic Motion (Studio producing Doupo Cangqiong) has released a preview video and screenshots of concept artwork. designs and storyboard for the sequel to season 5, while it is too early to tell whether it is going to be a "special" like Three Year Agreement, but here's to hoping that Doupo Cangqiong will be continous and release weekly just like Soul Land

- And Xiao Yu finally makes an appearance, what a change from season 1. Xun'er just ignores everything around her and only focuses on Xiao Yan lol

- Novel wise, Hu Jia, the woman in red standing behind the judges (they are elders actually), actually says if she wins she wants Xiao Yan to give her Xun'Er, and yes she has female preference tendencies.

- When Xiao Yan was calling Bai Shan an idiot, he was making fun of his name using the wordplay of his surname. Bai Chi means idiot

Pha Yang • 1 year ago

A lot of things that starts with bai seems to be derogatory πŸ™„ bai chi bai he bai ga

Dase • 1 year ago

Dont forget Xiao Bai Lian 小白臉 "Little White Face" which actually means "pretty boy with fair skin" used as a derogatory meaning for men that relies on their looks to captivate women into supporting them lol

Robert • 1 year ago

Xiao Yan: β€œDid you ever think that maybe there's more to life than being really, really… really ridiculously good looking?”

Pha Yang • 1 year ago

πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† it's okay for women to do it but once man does it... Xiao bai Liang?

Dase • 1 year ago

Women have it worse though, the name calling is far far worse than Xiao Bai Lian

vio • 1 year ago

I can kind of understand that in general because women have been doing it far longer than men and its more apparent not just in China but around the world too. When I was doing a little research previously, I was told that 99% of the women from China's mainland were gold diggers, however, I could easily see that she was biased so I took the information she gave me with a pinch of salt.

Dase • 1 year ago

There was this stigma back in the late 80s that yeah they were viewed as gold diggers. I have a friend who studied commerce, he managed to bring his wife over, had two children, and after they were about 5 to 7 years old she wanted to go study, so the husband paid for her studies, she went to uni, then got herself a master's degree, after she graduated, got a job, she divorced him, left the children and married someone else, I believe it was the professor.

He was devastated, if it wasnt for his two kids, he admit to me, he would have tried to selfharm

Pha Yang • 1 year ago

Dang used up to the max.... Hope he's doing fine... Hope the kids are all his too(DNA wise) but then it don't matter cause he raised them up. Money... You can get it back but your time lost in something that's not even worth it, is what he lost the most.

Anyways wasn't there a saying in Chinese about getting a woman in her thirties/forties and holding gold bricks or something? Seems like little white face isn't so derogatory.

Dase • 1 year ago

Yeah he is doing fine, they moved to a different part of the country and is considering returning back to China

Pha Yang • 1 year ago

Mhm... Best to change the scenery. I was considering that too go back to asia and live a life extra mundane riding the wind roaming the clouds but being a city slicker... πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Best to stay where I'm used to.

vio • 1 year ago

It could have been worse, her friend could have been slipped something, tied up and gagged while out cold. Once he came to, they may have made him watch them cuckold him. She also could have won the court case and he would have ended up having to pay her alimony in future. As for the kids, that really depends on the person. Some people would still accept them because of the connection they've built over time regardless of the DNA results.

Dase • 1 year ago

Looks like you are right, Wan Jie Duzun season two is out, looks like it will be 112 episodes

Pha Yang • 1 year ago

Agreed, things will only get better from there on. Once you are at your bottom they only way you can go is up.

vio • 1 year ago

Your friend sounds like a good man, especially for supporting her when she went off to study. I am curious though considering she left him and probably cheated on him... is he paying her alimony for it or is she paying him because she abandoned her children?

Dase • 1 year ago

He didnt have a lot of money, since he paid for everything, bills, her studies, cost of living etc. and when she graduated and worked she never paid a single cent towards household bills. So in the end, she had better lawyers and she is only required to pay a certain amount towards child care depending on her income. But even then, she manages to make her income earned very little, since it is tied up with trust and stuff. She is very smart
One thing for sure, the children both refuse to see her or have anything to do with her

Pha Yang • 1 year ago

Yea... Them sugamamas ... Tsk tsk tsk

Jalaluddin Aris • 1 year ago

You hit the nail there Dase 🀭🀭🀭

Customer Service • 1 year ago

whose youtube channel are you talking about?

Justaway • 1 year ago

Hi, I'm part of Falling Star Pavilion which is a Discord server that did the English subtitles for this episode. We post on YouTube under the channel Neutralizinq. Hope that helps and thanks to Dase for the promo <3

Customer Service • 1 year ago

Ah cool! will check you guys out!

What's the discord channel name Neutralizinq too?

Dase • 1 year ago

It's called Falling Star Pavilion, to join just watch last week's episode 4 around 0:45 there is an invite top right corner

I can't find it

Dase • 1 year ago


Found it thanks! What's your name on Discord?

Robert • 1 year ago

Ah right, because the translator put Bai-itch = bitch πŸ˜‚

Rationalist • 1 year ago

Yeah. Hu Jia's female prefs are all overthe place but not received weird at all.

Nikola Nikolov • 1 year ago

get a room you two :D :D :D I'm 100% sure he skipped the part in the cave and dessert with Yun Yun and the part with the first encounter and kabe doning the Queen Medusa ^_^ this was definitely the long awaited reunion i was expecting

Pha Yang • 1 year ago

Octane Overlapping Punch! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†Like BTTH world has octane ratings or so. Just felt weird... And those hatsπŸ™„ jianan academy elders were ridiculously big hats!

Felix Ciocalteu • 1 year ago

love is in the air...............

Nikola Nikolov • 1 year ago

yea most of the people in that stadium where like get a room you two ^_^

Dase • 1 year ago

Actually the women side apart from one was like that, while the men side all had a killing intent towards Xiao Yan lol

Alex Catalin • 1 year ago

ever heard of rage of bahamuth?

Felix Ciocalteu • 1 year ago

lost interest within the first 15 minutes. its highly recommended so i tried watching it...........

Alex Catalin • 1 year ago

well...to bad than...IT IS a very good one

Felix Ciocalteu • 1 year ago

i will try it again in the next few years probably

Walker • 1 year ago

Did he arrive at the last minute? or waited until last minute like a moron to make a cool entrance?

Jalaluddin Aris • 1 year ago

Wallflower boys uuhhh, wait till you meet real men then you will know how high is the sky and how deep is the ocean.

Joseph Gilbert • 1 year ago

that ending song

Joseph Gilbert • 1 year ago


Y'all will never learn smh. If someone is arrogant 9/10 THERE IS A REASON! Like come on man think!

Customer Service • 1 year ago

anybody familiar with the BTTH chinese weibo account? apparently people are complaining about the 3D models... still. Anybody know the actual reason? like what are they unhappy about?

RohanOf ElvenPower • 1 year ago

theyre facing surely look realistic, although a bit weird, perhaps because thse are based on asian people which Im not familiar with?
anyway, around 3:04 if I remember? next to that lighting guy when hes shown sitting down, the woman sitting on the right of him has a HUGE head, bad model. Theres also another woman nearby in the seats with a slightly smaller hear than should be normal.

I guess they could benefit from using the new unreal engine 5 :D

Customer Service • 1 year ago

Those are background characters, they don't matter. weibo people asking the author to chime in on the main character's model, I think those were the "primary" concern, not the background characters. Not sure what is wrong with the main character's 3d models? These face doesn't look realistic at all... they still have an exaggerated design to them, that makes them stand apart from realistic 3D models.

Robert • 1 year ago

So did he confess sexy time with Yun Yun and Medusa?

Customer Service • 1 year ago

sexy time hasn't happened yet, but xr knows.

RohanOf ElvenPower • 1 year ago

medusa will kill you if you watch

Guest • 1 year ago
Robert • 1 year ago

Well she did sexily threaten him lol